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OUR PHilosophy

It is important to us to be straightforward, honest and realistic.

We are here to be of service, and to help you realize your best Self. 


We consider plant medicine work a sacred healing practice, and as such we adhere to the traditional practices rigorously. 



It is important to us that you are well informed of the treatments and processes you will undergo while with us. It is also equally important to us that you receive individualized care, based on your specific set of needs. In order to ensure this,

we only work with a few people at a time. 



Originally from Canada, I was born into a family of alternative health practitioners. From a young age, I learned the value and importance of healing, and witnessed firsthand the amazing capacity we have to heal ourselves.

My initial encounter with Ayahuasca revealed to me the potent value of this work, and I was called upon by the plants themselves to immerse myself fully into this practice. It was an earth-shattering experience for me, as I had a seemingly rich life back home. I had a successful rock band, a job that I enjoyed, and of course my all of my friends and family. 


I returned home, but could not ignore the calling. Six months later, I moved to Pucallpa, Peru to begin my apprenticeship. 

I have completed years of full time apprenticeship training under the guidance of well-known Shipibo healer Wiler Noriega Rodrigues. My training took place at his retreat Ayahuasca Spirit Center in Limongema, Pucallpa, Peru and included:

  • many extensive dietas with master plants that specifically teach the art of curanderismo 

  • participation in hundreds of ceremonies and counseling sessions with Wiler

  • preparation of plant and vapor baths

  • preparation of many plant remedies, including ayahuasca

  • an extensive study of the shamanic Shipibo idiom


After extensive training, I have the blessings of my teacher to hold ceremonies, as well as oversee dietas. Since opening my own medicine clinic, I have successfully overseen many master plant dietas; endorsements for some of which can be seen on our testimonials page.


In addition to plant medicine work, I am trained in the practice of Qi-gong. I find that this practice can be complementary to plant medicine work, and utilize it with some of my clients.

After successfully overseeing a retreat in the Sacred Valley, Peru, Bryce was interviewed for the podcast "Curious Monkeys"

Carole LAra

I am originally from the U.S., and I hold a bachelors degree in psychology, with a minor in holistic medicine. 

After my first month-long ayahuasca retreat in 2018, I came to realize the powerful holistic healing nature of ayahuasca and the other medicinal plants of the Amazon. Not wanting to be bound to the strict clinical structure of therapeutic practice in the U.S., I found plant medicine work to be the answer I was searching for. 


Beyond an intellectual endeavor, I came to work with ayahuasca out of an unavoidable desire to heal my own childhood trauma, as well as to transform deep-seated societal and familial belief systems that were no longer serving me. 

This work has been challenging for me at times, as I have had to face my innermost fears and demons; egoic resistance to change can be quite difficult to overcome. However, these challenges have served to accelerate my personal and spiritual growth in many profound ways.

I have also successfully completed many master plant dietas under the guidance of Wiler Noriega Rodrigues. Most of my dietas to date have been focused on spiritual healing and growth, rather than learning the art of curanderismo. 


 I maintain a supportive role here at our center, utilizing my background in psychology, knowledge of plant medicines and their different capabilities, as well as my own anecdotal life experiences when appropriate. 

Our Approach

Through our own experience, we know that healing can sometimes be challenging work. 


It is with this in mind that we strive to provide you with the utmost support throughout your process. 

We aim to cut out a lot of the fluff that can sometimes come with medicine work, as it can detract from the more important elements of the healing process. We strictly adhere to the Shipibo tradition in which we have been trained, and maintain a grounded and professional approach to our work here, hence our name. 


It has been our experience that the more informed and comfortable you are, the more you can trust the medicine and lean into your process... which is the whole point, right?

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