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"The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step"
Lao Tzu

Fresh wood garlic on wood_edited.jpg


One of the most amazing capabilities of plant medicines

are their ability to remove blockages and return us to a state of equilibrium. They can deeply restore and reset us, resulting in lasting positive changes in our overall health.

By adhering to these guidelines, you essentially jumpstart this process at home. This not only helps you get into the proper mindset to prepare for medicine work, but also enables the plants to have a more direct impact, thereby giving you the most benefit in the long run.


It is important here to note the role of your intentions for working with plant medicine.


Clear and concise intentions are perhaps one of the most vital aspects of plant medicine work. Your intention will act as a lighthouse during ceremony, guiding you and the medicine to the places that need attention the most.


In addition, being clear about the goals you wish to achieve while you're with us, assists us in structuring a treatment protocol specific to you and your needs.

Image by Yann Allegre


It is important for you to prepare your mind and body in the weeks leading to your visit. The things we have found to be the most detrimental to this work, and should be avoided for a minimum of two weeks in advance are: pork, *marijuana, recreational drugs and prescription medications. 

​To further prepare and acclimatize, the following is a list of things to avoid 1 week before your arrival:​ spicy foods​, red meat, caffeine, sex & masturbation.



*Some folks question why marijuana is prohibited, given it's medicinal properties. In the Shipibo tradition in which we are trained, marijuana is considered a possessive plant. We have witnessed firsthand that marijuana does not allow space for the healing energy of other plants (including Ayahuasca), which results in blockage of visions and unnecessary purging.

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