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La dieta is a sacred practice taught to us by the Shipibo. Other indigenous tribes, as well as mestizo practitioners apply this practice as well, albeit slightly differently than the Shipibo. 

La dieta is a practice whereby one enters into relative isolation with a master plant healer/teacher. Your time in dieta is time which you give to yourself as a sacred gift.

It is a time of profound healing and learning. 


 The practice of la dieta can sometimes confuse Westerners because of its name.

Food intake and restrictions are only a part of the dieta process. Also, if you are new to Amazonian plant medicine work, you may wonder why a diet with other plants is necessary, considering the potency of Ayahuasca. 

Ayahuausca is powerful medicine and can reveal a lot to us, and heal us on many levels. However, consider that when you work with ayahuasca, you are only able to utilize the healing power of two plants: ayahuasca vine and chachruna. Sometimes, when deeper levels of healing or learning are desired, it becomes necessary to implement the help of another master plant. For example, to heal deep-seated familial trauma, we may recommend a dieta with bobinsana in addition to our ayahuasca ceremonies. Or, for someone suffering from chronic fatigue, a dieta with chuchuhuasi may be prescribed. 

Depending upon the purpose for your diet, you can relate to being in dieta as like being in school or being in the hospital, or sometimes both.

As you can surmise from these analogies, it is a process that should not be taken lightly. Astounding benefits can be reaped from the practice of la dieta, however this will require time, sacrifice, patience and trust on your part.


If you choose to participate in a dieta, your focus during this time will be directed inwardly.

The idea here is to avoid external stimuli to the best of your ability, in order to allow yourself to connect with and receive the utmost healing from the master plant you have been prescribed.

This means that you will be in relative isolation during your dieta, spending time dreaming, meditating, reading, writing, drawing and reflecting. Time on the phone, socializing, listening to music and sexual activity are not allowed during dieta.


As stated above, food is only one aspect of la dieta, although an important one.

The master plants communicate with us and heal us on a delicate frequency. This frequency can grow to be quite powerful once established, and must be maintained in order to reap the benefits of your diet. The way to maintain this frequency is by following the guidelines above, as well as adhering to specific food intake protocols.

Certain foods can "clog" the system and disrupt the plant's frequency. Therefore, during your dieta, your food intake will only consist of: chicken, eggs, fish, beans, lentils, peas, quinoa, oatmeal, potatoes, plantains and bread. To drink, you are allowed only water, or lemongrass, chamomile, and anis teas. All of this is taken without oil, sugar or salt.

It is of vital importance to have trust in the dieta process, as all sorts of emotions can arise during this time. During the difficult times, it can be easy to doubt yourself or question the power of the plants. Our direct experience has shown us that the more we can gracefully put down our need to control, and instead hand that power over to the plants, the better the outcome will be.

In the West, we have been conditioned to expect rapid results. But unlike prescription medication treatments which often provide quick relief, a successful plant dieta offers you a lifetime of healing and health.  


Due to the nature of the plants and the frequency by which they heal, a commitment of your time is necessary. The bare minimum amount of time required to gain any sort of tangible results is two weeks. Please remember that it takes time for the plant to establish itself within, and yet more time to heal you. We hope this answers any questions you may have about this process. If you have further questions, or want to know if a diet can address your specific needs, please don´t hesitate to contact us.

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